When people think of homelessness, they often don't think of families, yet 35% of the total homeless population in the United States is comprised of families.
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Family Promise provides a community based solution that incorporates community outreach and mission opportunities at the congregational level.
In conjunction with a Day Center operated by Family Promise staff, host and support congregations are needed to provide meals and a place to sleep.
Get Involved
If you are a family with children 17 years and under, facing or experiencing homelessness, you may qualify for Family Promise of Grayson County.
Family Promise of Grayson County provides transitional shelter, meals, transportation and supportive services for families with children.
Contact Us
Family Promise maintains low operating costs, but still relies on the generosity of local individuals, service clubs, businesses and congregations for support. Each dollar donated is matched by more than $3 of in-kind goods and services, so you can feel confident your contribution will make a big impact. With your gift, we can help low income families become self-sustainable.
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